lightbringer's page

Ide írhatod maximum 250 karakter hosszúságban a honlap leírását ill. szlogenjét. A leírás fontos a weboldal látogatottá tételében, ezért érdemes jól megszövegezni.


I bring light into darkness.

You have eyes, you do not see!

You only see with your mind!

Never trust anyone,
because you lose your life.

Love creates false trust.

Precondition for true trust: distrust.

Love and hate make you a prisoner.

Emotions causes suffering
and causes death,
so avoid them!

Emotions determine consciousness.
When the emotions come,
the consciousness flies away!

Beauty and ugliness causes suffering
and causes death, so avoid them!

The weak die, just stay the strong!

Desires causes suffering
and causes death,
so avoid them!

Desires: greed, desire for power,
lust desire, fame desire, etc.

Fornications causes suffering
and causes death, so avoid them!

Never believe anyone,
because you lose your life.

If the suffering ceases,
then happiness begins!

The life is the lie!!!

The truth is the death!

The true human will be a victim, and die!

Who fight (s)he can die,
but who does not fight (s)he dies!

Who fight, his the life,
who does not fight, loses his life!

The peaceful human will be a victim!

The peaceful dies, the warrior stays!

The warrior only follows his mind.

Live for tomorrow!

The fight makes you brave!

Help yourself, because others won't help!

To live for life!

Life is first and foremost!

The warriors inherit the earth!

Knowledge is power!

Ignorance is slavery!

If you will be children is
the resurrection and eternal life!

To live for eternal life!

People believe everything!

These teachings make you
independent, free!

Be Principles, faith, and
you pay with your blood.
Do not give up your independence
for the treasure of the great world.
You despise those who sell
themselves for good things.
One thousand times more deny
your life, than your principles.
"Beggar's stick and independence!"
this should be your password.

Thick and wide road leads to death,
thin and narrow road leads to life!

I am the way, the light and the life
and the happiness!

My way is light and life and happiness!

I am the light and the life and the happiness!

If you read it and understood it,
there is more light in your head!

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Mai: 3
Tegnapi: 11
Heti: 3
Havi: 15
Össz.: 5 355

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